We are proud to announce that Parc Maasresidence Thorn has achieved EarthCheck Bronze certification. This important milestone marks our first step in the process of further sustainability and minimizing our ecological footprint.

In February 2024, we shared with you our goal of achieving EarthCheck certification, and today we can say that our efforts have been rewarded. The EarthCheck certificate is recognized worldwide as the standard for sustainable tourism and confirms our commitment to environmentally conscious entrepreneurship and responsible tourism.

We would like to thank our employees and partners for their commitment and dedication to sustainability. However, this certificate is just the beginning: we will continue to work towards even greater sustainability. Our goal is to achieve higher certification levels in the future, such as Silver and Gold.

With initiatives such as optimizing energy consumption, minimizing waste and promoting biodiversity, we continue to work towards a resort that not only offers a unique holiday experience, but also takes care of our planet.