
Ages Unfold: Exploring Cathedrals and Castles of Old

Parc Maasresidence Thorn was built in 2022 and is therefore still very young. Almost all houses and gardens in the area are older than the resort. Therefore, it’s high time to educate our newborn resort on the history of the region. For holiday guests staying with us a week or too, it might also be interesting to learn about the millions of people wandered through this area for all those thousands of years. If you are not a history buff, you still have the chance to escape to MRT Beach with a cold drink and a sudoku. No? Still reading? Surprising, but okay. I’ll try to keep it light.


One More Time

Oh, come on! I just threw my winter coat into the back of my closet, and now I need to fish it back out again? I worked hard on my pretty bronze skin tone, yet it’s all for naught? Summer came by on a whim, for a cup of coffee and a pretty picture, and that’s about it. They say that time goes faster the older you get. If that’s true, then summer might accidentally zip by while I’m on the toilet by the time I’m 80.


The official opening of the Premium Island and Wellness villas

Today is the day! For more than a year and a half, we have been busy at Parc Maasresidence Thorn with the latest expansion of our beautiful resort. An entirely new neighborhood has been built in the southeast, that will be revealed to our guests for the first time today! We are proud to present Phase 3, a major expansion of our luxury holiday village on the Maasplassen, with two new villa types: the Premium Island and the Wellness.


A Day Across the Border

A lot of borders in Europe have lost their significance. It’s not uncommon to see borders run through villages, terraces, and even living rooms! In the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium, you might not even notice crossing the border until you read a sign that says “Zentrum” instead of “Centrum”.


A Day of Shopping with Mom

My mom and I have the same tradition every year. For my birthday, she takes me shopping and I treat her to lunch. Obviously, this deal favors me more, as I’m the one coming home weighed down by bags filled with stylish jackets, pants, and shoes that only cost me a delicious lunch and coffee. But that’s okay; it is my birthday after all, and even though all the nice clothes are awesome, the time we spend together is what really counts. They say that by the time you hit 18, you will have already spent 90 percent of all the time you will ever spend with your parents. Ninety percent! The thought makes me a little somber every time. You need to cherish the time with your parents, and that’s why I’ll freely admit that this shopping tradition becomes a little more important to me with every year that passes.


Spa Day at Parc Maasresidence Thorn

Hello everyone! Today I would like to tell you about – oh hold on, just need to take these cucumber slices from my eyes – today I would like to tell you about planning – woops, my peeling mask is ready to be removed – there we go – today I would like to tell you about planning a spa day at Parc Maasresidence Thorn. I have contemplating whether I should write this blog at all. Not because it isn’t a good idea, but I was really comfortable in my bubble bath just now. After having churned and splashed a little longer, I decided that you deserve to feel chill as well. So, pull on some loose-fitted clothing, find your flip flops, lather yourself in sunscreen, slap on some sunglasses and prepare for a… super…….. relaxing………. slow…………………………………spa day.


The 4th and 5th of May – A Liberating Tour of Limburg

Our freedom is pretty self-evident these days, but it has not always been that way. The generation that actively remembers the war is slowly vanishing, leaving us only with photos, stories, and documentation. However, they do not quite convey the feeling of the time. The fear, the uncertainty, the endless tension, and the relief when it all finally ended… it’s difficult to imagine the true depths to which people experienced the war. We can only hope to never have to experience such times ourselves, and that’s why it’s so important to commemorate the dead on the 4th of May and celebrate freedom on the 5th. In the province of Limburg, both days are honored with memorials, monument visitations, ceremonies, and festivals. Should you find yourself at Parc Maasresidence Thorn during that weekend, I have a few recommendations for you:


The Right Bite - A Good Food Guide to Limburg

Is confit de canard tastier than a portion of onion rings? Does Kobe beef trump a hearty sandwich with Gouda? Will a gin & tonic meringue please your tummy more than a gingerbread cookie? ‘Every man to his taste’ they say, and I couldn’t agree more. What matters in the end is the quality of the food you eat. Whether you chomp down on confit de canard or onion rings, the true essence of the food lies in the quality of its ingredients and the care with which it is made.


MRT Beach Opening: What Type of Beach Person are You?

I never understand people who claim they don’t like the beach. Now that MRT Beach is set to open back up, this thought has been swirling through my mind. How can you not be a beach person?! Fine, maybe you don’t like getting sand everywhere, or maybe you hate applying sticky sunscreen to every part of your body, but then again, that’s only referring to “beach” part of the beach. A beach is made up of more than just sun and sand; much more is at hand. A beach is comprised of lush water, a beach club, exciting activities, nature, long walks, good food, chilling, sports, building sandcastles, and much, much more. I find it very hard to believe that there are people out there who don’t enjoy any of these things.


Some Things to Look Forward to This Summer

I wouldn’t dare compare Parc Maasresidence Thorn to the Sagrada Familia. No, that’s really taking things a bit too far. There is no way I can say they look alike based on a few meager similarities. It would be shameless, unrefined, and barbaric…


The Fine Wines of Limburg

I used to study at the Hotelschool in the Hague and I remember partaking in several wine-tasting classes. We learned a whole lot; like what kind of soil results in which tastes, what impact climate has on the wine, which grape variety comes from where, and how each grape can be recognized. Interesting stuff to say the least. However, once it came down to tasting the wines themselves, I was completely hopeless. You could tell me that a wine held a note of ripe apple or a hint of burning rubber, I would probably believe it and convince myself I could taste it. No wonder I failed that class.


Valentine’s Day in Limburg

Hello, fellow love adventurers! Valentine’s Day lies just around the corner and obviously, I am super-duper… stressed! I’m sorry, but all this Valentine’s stuff has never been my strong suit. Don’t get me wrong, I love dedicating a day to love, but I never know what to plan. On the one hand, I want to avoid a day filled with romantic clichés, but on the other hand, I totally want to lean into it! Walking through the forest hand in hand, sauntering past quaint little shops, following some kind of workshop in candle making, or nostalgically looking back on our relationship over a candlelit dinner… awful! Splendid!


Summer Dream

Here I am, stamping my feet, blowing in my hands, trying to shake off the cold, to no avail. The early morning frost shimmers across the grassy fields as an endless, greyish mass of clouds rolls on by. I’m in the middle of my daily walk around the Maasplassen lakes. You know, that walk you’re supposed to take for your mental and physical well-being. Well, being completely honest here… it didn’t help. I’m just very cold now.


Thorn: The Embodiment of Christmas

During Christmas, it’s always important to pay a little extra attention to those we care about. It is a time to love thy neighbors, so that’s why we want to give a little consideration to our favorite neighbor in Limburg: Thorn!


Your Personal Black Friday Guide

It’s the first real day of winter. The bitter cold swats around silent homes and icy rains torment the streets. To your dismay, your grumbling stomach tells you to do groceries, and so you find yourself looking for a stylish winter outfit. You open the closet and… a horrifying scene unfolds… you have nothing nice to wear! Oh, the horror! You are left having to face the unrelenting winter in a faded Christmas sweater and mothy, old winter coat!


The Basics of Being Burgundian

The time has come! Your last meeting has finished, the car is loaded up, and the stove has been checked at least four times. Time to head out toward Parc Maasresidence Thorn in Limburg and fully embrace the holiday. You have done your research and know that those whacky Limburgians are true Burgundians when it comes to celebrating the holidays.


A Holiday with My Sister

Wake up in my tent bed, roll up the flaps, and run down the stairs. Run back up. Wake up sister. Run back down. Sandwich with cheese, sandwich with Nutella, a glass of milk, and time to go outside and play with the other children. Oh wait, first I have to go back upstairs to brush my teeth. Today, I’m Jack the Pirate.


Embrace the Down-Fall

Grey skies. Bare branches reaching out and clawing at the pale sun. Toadstools and birch mushrooms that crawl across mossy tree trunks and smooth stones.


MRT Beach Club is Open!

Last week, I first heard the news. MRT Beach Club is open! This week, I’m here with my toes in the sand, iced coffee in my hand, slowly getting tanned. I couldn’t help but hurry down here as fast as possible to experience the most beautiful beach of Limburg firsthand!


Kids… am I right?

Alright, let’s be honest. Summer holidays near the Maasplassen lakes with the kids… great fun, of course! You can spend your days messing around in the park, searching for exciting new activities, playing games on your terrace, and finally kissing their tired foreheads goodnight… they are nothing short of little angels.


Once Upon a Beach: The Sound of Summer

Remember that day on the beach? We swayed under the sun, we played and just had fun?

Remember that day on the beach? The DJ going wild, the weather was mild, we danced, we drank, we smiled, with nothing to learn, nothing to teach?


Pentecost: The Perfect Little Test Run

Pentecost will soon be upon us. To some, this holiday marks the descent of the Holy Spirit. To others, it’s just a long weekend. For me, it has been my favorite little holiday ever since I was a kid. It always felt like it was a sign. Not a heavenly sign, but rather a sign of the coming of summer. Soon, school would be a distant memory and the long holiday would start. Pentecost was a 3-day appetizer to the magnificent 6-week main course yet to come.


Choose the Maasplassen in May

When you look across the deep, pensive waters of the Maasplassen that softly shimmer in the warm spring sun, there is probably only one thing on your mind… to smash through it with an awesome rental sloop or paddle boat!


Free for Easter… Now What?!

Easter: in all honesty, it’s not really a fully blown holiday, but at the same time, you do get some days off. Unlike with other holidays, such as with Christmas, there are not a lot of rules for Easter either. Everyone can do whatever they feel like. Some families have bucket-loads of traditions at the ready, while others specifically plan nothing, content with the fact that they have the day off. Then, there is a large group of people who want to celebrate Easter, but just don’t know how. Will you travel somewhere? Is everyone going to go on an egg hunt? Will you try to make an extensive Easter breakfast? So much to do and so few guidelines!


Dare To Face the Sun

Spring! Spring is coming! The trees are budding, the sun is shining a little brighter, and the bunnies are slowly emerging from their holes.

Actually, there are quite some forest critters that reappear from their holes and dens after the winter. Many mammals gather a hefty meal in the fall in order to sleep through the entire winter. It must be strange for them to awake to a whole new season.

In some ways, people are quite similar. We might not need to hibernate, but we do need to adjust to the changing weather. When is the heater turned off? Should you still wear gloves when cycling? Should you start thinking about your beach body? Yes, we humans also need some time to reintegrate after staying in our proverbial holes.


Discover & Experience the Maasplassen in the heart of Limburg!

When you think of Limburg, you probably see rolling hills, marl caves, or those delicious fruit pies which can only be made that are specifically tasty here. What many people don't know is that you will also find the largest continuous water sports area in the Netherlands in this province, called The Maasplassen!


The Great Christmas Challenge

This year, Parc Maasresidence Thorn is celebrating its first Christmas, which is a pretty big deal since it sets an expectation for all the times to come. Parc Maasresidence Thorn needs to discover and own its own definition of Christmas.


The new swimming pool at Parc Maasresidence Thorn

For six months now, I have been walking past the bright wooden panels, the platformed terrace, and the spiraling slide of the swimming pool that stands out prominently across from the MRT Promenade. Every day, I look longingly at those blue tiles that still remain as dry as the first day I saw them...


An Unparalleled Experience

As the sun sets, it casts long shadows across the Grote Hegge, the lake that borders Parc Maasresidence Thorn. In the distance, I can hear the chatter and delighted screams of kids playing and the joyous bustle of clattering glasses and chattering people on the terrace of Humphrey’s Thorn.


Parc Maasresidence Thorn is Opening its Gates!

Nestled in against the Belgian border lies a little town called Thorn. It is surrounded by an intricate ecosystem of waterways, peninsulas, and meanders formed by the Meuse river and human hands over the centuries. It is here, right in the middle of this beautiful area, that Parc Maasresidence Thorn is opening her gates on the 29th of April.


Taste & experience Burgundian Limburg

It is well known that Limburgers are real Burgundians. They like a brisk walk, as long as it ends in the sun with a good glass of beer or wine. But did you also know that Limburg is the wine province of The Netherlands? No less than 32 percent of the total Dutch wine grapes are grown in this soil.